Awesome Afro Caribbean Hair Style
Face shape plays a big role in your style! Whether your face shape oval, round, triangle, square or heart shaped? Try this test ... a picture of you with your hair pulled back from your face, take a marker and put your face shape. Once you have determined the shape of your face, it's time for a bit of research which is the flat style to do. Okay, for example, oval in shape with high cheekbones look great with a layer of Bob. Bob also looks great on a round face with a long neck. But the key here is to add some layers of your bob, if you do not see your face around. If you do not have much of neck, stay away from short hairstyle that accentuates your neck! Short hairstyles that draw more attention to your neck and your neck is thicker and uninteresting. If you have a heart shaped face (the chin), you do not want to draw attention to your chin. Your best bet would be to stick with the old layer, even if your hair is short. For a number of extensions to the side of your hair. A party is defined in the environment can accentuate your look. Square face ... more difficult if you have a square face, you should really avoid a long. Mane returns square face unflattering. Follow these tips and go for what looks best on the shape of your face.
Lace front wigs. These are the hottest thing happening today, as they can give black women, and every woman in this case, the ability to turn the key to the exercise if they have trouble growing their hair. Celebrities like Tyra Banks, Beyonce and Kelly Rowland wearing lace fronts. This wig is so natural and far easier to treat. They tend to be longer or another type of extension wigs online. Lace front wigs are not many disadvantages because when you are ready to return as style sexy, you just took your wig. Black women have a new friend is located in the trendy natural wigs. But be ready for a little extra money to invest in lace front wigs quality. You will more than likely be happy with your investment.
Shortcuts for black women. Who can forget when Halle Berry popularized the famous cut "Boomerang" film? Well, the good news is that the short rewind! But be careful, you still need to obey what your face shape. Not all black women should look like Halle. It just is not for everyone. If you have the right face shape for the shortcut (oval, length, and heart) you can go with a brief look layered like Halle. It is important to keep maintained. Nothing is worse than look sexy to spoil by keeping your salon appointment.
Leave the braids for teenagers. The braids are very comfortable, but not always attractive to everyone. My suggestion is that if you're in the business world, it is far better to avoid braiding. If you are an artist or work outside the home often, it can be weaving your answer. The braid is ideal for students and young children. But once you are a great, free braids and went for a classier look professional. I personally have nothing against braids, consider your environment before you go with this look.
This guide is only the tip of the iceberg for the different styles of black that black women can explore. Be sure to stick to what flatters you, not just what is likely, if not praise. If you experiment with different styles and find what works best for your viewing, you'll be happy with your product. Like the art of working with good, it takes time to perfect your last piece, after much care and touch. The final product is a new, happier, more elegant and to you this day! [ Hair Treatment For Afro Hair ]