Very Perfect Hairstyles For Curly Afro Hair

Very Perfect Hairstyles For Curly Afro Hair
When using curly Afro hair styling options in addition to the basic hairstyle. For a different look for you in Africa, combining different styles, or you can even curly hair. If you're creative, you can choose from your head, curly hair has a lot of work.

Simple Africa
Keep your hair cut short and simple style. All this for less than one inch thick, more than half of everything you need to do a soft brush to brush to get the bear. No longer a big magnifying glass, or choose to go to the top end of the Afros. Bityina select through the round and dropped into the room.

Curly hair on his head, not to prepare the weight will just Lop. 12 inches or more you like your hair, it may be very large and thick. To see an intensive and impressive, easy to carry, like that.

More reasonable, braiding hair, or you have to consider the distortion.

More than two inches long heads and leave them hanging in a drama play, the front has a small head, you can select multiple braids. Or, do something else for two-strand twists, this section

In addition, all of you, or just in your head, your cornrows. Africa is a very curly hair style braids should work fine. You cornrows or diagonally to one side, can be directed. combined with the cornrows and hair styles, cornrows hair at the crown of the head and back in Africa. You also can not cornrows plane front of the head to rotate.

Turn the switch on the style
You want to succeed, head of curly hair while giving you flexibility. Define your own role or WEST is a flexible rod. Accommodation, you can fix your hair fixative, so that necessary.

You can also head right with a hot flat iron or you can use a hair straightener. Choose from the temporary remedial measures, the head until the next shampoo or milk in this way you proceed.

Playing with texture
A bit more structure if you want in Africa, "big" hairstyle was created. Wet or dry hair, about an inch too big to take part to keep him. Give your fingers around this area. Naturally curly hair Hairspray y of Africa without the need to force into place.

You can also create a flat there, then come back in a ponytail or braid individuals, two seriously, distortion, distorted, or made on the head.